
Sunday, January 1, 2012

In My Mailbox (17)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren.

Here's what I got in my mailbox this week!


The Shadow Reader
(McKenzie Lewis #1)
Sandy Lewis

This book has gotten some really great reviews from my friends on Goodreads so I'm super excited to get to it! I picked up the paperback for myself while Christmas shopping........a little gift for me!


(Changeling #1)
Dani Harper

This is supposedly a really great PNR about werewolves! Cant go wrong there, right? And with it being only .99 for my Kindle I couldn't pass it up!

Paranormal Romance Anthology
Jeaniene Frost, Ilona Andrews, Meljean Brook

Another Kindle sale, 1.99, so I couldn't resist. This short anthology has two of my favorite authors, Frost and Andrews, and another that I've been wanting to check out, Brook. Can't wait!

(Jessica #1)
Beth Fantaskey

The title of this threw me off for a while, but with the sequel coming out I've actually read some reviews and apparently this is a great paranormal YA treat! AND........ it's .99 for Kindle!

(Dark Days #1)
Jocelynn Drake

I've been wanting to start this series for a while now. You might even remember it on an IMM a few months back when I checked it out from the library. I just had too much to read then so I returned it without reading, but when it came up o Kindle for .99 I figured it was a sign (of course!). 


(Unearthly #1)
Cynthia Hand

Cindy from Tynga's Reviews was kind enough to gift this to me for my Kindle! I got the second book from Netgalley but hadn't read this one yet. I'm super excited to read them both now!!!

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. Those sound like some great reads. I have a few on my list too and a Amazon GC burning a hole in my pocket to use- but what to get. Hmmm!

  2. Woo-hoo, great mailbox! I can't wait to get Shadow Reader, it hasn't bee released in UK yet:(
    Enjoy all your books!

  3. Unearthly is such a wonderful book. I read the book in one sitting I just couldn't put it down and I had to stay up until 3am to finish it. Book 2 Hallowed is just as wonderful.

    Happy reading

  4. Oh sweet! I didn't know Hallowed was on NetGalley - just requested it! Thanks & best wishes for 2012! <3

  5. I bought Unearthly last week, and I cannot wait to start it! I also got Jessica's Guide To Dating on The Darkside! I hope you enjoy your new books, and Thanks for sharing!

    My Mailbox

  6. I've been seeing good things about The Shadow Reader! I might have to check it out sometime soon.

    Happy New Year! :D

    Angie @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  7. ooh, nice haul!! happy reading. :)

  8. Ha! I saw in my mailbox and then Eric and I was like huh how and I'm jealous! Great books this week, I hope you enjoy. Thanks for stopping by my IMM.

  9. I got some of the ebooks you got! I hope you enjoy the books. Here's mine:

  10. I keep thinking about picking up Unearthly, I should probably just go ahead and do it!

  11. I'll be reading The Shadow Reader sometime this month. I have to see what all of the fuss is about =) I look forward to seeing what you think about it.

  12. Hahaha ! For a second there I thought you got Eric from True Blood in your mailbox. lol !

  13. Everyone has Jessica's Guide this week ! I guess it was because it was free.

  14. Great mailbox! I really enjoyed Jessica's Guide and Unearthly! Enjoy!

  15. Love Jessica's guide. It's such a funny book. I bought under her skin as well. Great haul this week!


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