
Friday, December 9, 2011

Follow Friday (15)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Here is this week's question:

Keeping with the Spirit of Giving this season, what book do you think EVERYONE should read and if you could, you would buy it for all of your family and friends?
I would have to say the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. I know not everyone reads that genre, but that series is pretty darn near perfect in my opinion and everyone should read it!  :)  Especially if you are into paranormal, fantasy, fae, or romance! Mac and Barrons grow and change so much across the five books! The characters and the plot are just amazing and the books read like one long book. So sad the series is done.  :(

Darkfever (Fever, #1) Bloodfever (Fever, #2) Faefever (Fever, #3)
Dreamfever (Fever, #4) Shadowfever (Fever, #5)

If you haven't read the Fever series...are you INSANE? Are you unable to read? Do you hate awesome things? No? Then start the Fever series TODAY!  :)

Check out my current giveaway:

Interview with Darynda Jones and Giveaway!


  1. I agree with ya...everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should read this series! Its to die for....literally:))

  2. I have serious heard AHHHHHMAZING things about this series! I have the first book but just haven't had the time but I am definitely reading it!

    Old Follower! New NetworkedBlogs & facebook follower
    Visit my FF Jennifer @ Some Like It Paranormal

  3. Hopping through. Yay for the Fever series. Such fun books.
    My Hop

  4. I haven't read this one series yet but I did grab the first one and the fourth one (it was a dollar so I just went ahead and bought it) a little while ago. I keep hearing good things about it.

  5. I haven't read this series but I've only heard good things about it. I hope I'll be able to read it soon.

    My Follow Friday!

  6. I have a few of the books but not all of them yet. I;m waiting to get them all before I read them.

  7. I just got all of these books in anticipation of a PNR reading challenge for 2012. Someone said I should have them all before I start because I will want to read through them quickly because they're so good.

    Thanks for the post!

  8. I loved the Fever series! New GFC follower.

    Here's our #FF

    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library


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