
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (11) - Harbinger

Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that shares the upcoming releases we bloggers are on the edge of our seats about!

by Sara Wilson Etienne
Release date: February 2, 2012

(from Goodreads)
When sixteen-year-old Faye arrives at Holbrook Academy, she doesn’t expect to find herself exactly where she needs to be. After years of strange waking visions and nightmares, her only comfort the bones of dead animals, Faye is afraid she’s going crazy. Fast.

But her first night at Holbrook, she feels strangely connected to the school and the island it sits on, like she’s come home. She’s even made her first real friends, but odd things keep happening to them. Every morning they wake on the floors of their dorm rooms with their hands stained red.

Faye knows she’s the reason, but what does it all mean? The handsome Kel tries to help her unravel the mystery, but Faye is certain she can’t trust him; in fact, he may be trying to kill her—and the rest of the world too.

Rich, compelling writing will keep the pages turning in this riveting and tautly told psychological thriller.

Look at that cover? Gorgeous, eh? And what the heck is this synopsis? "her only comfort the bones of dead animals" I am thoroughly intrigued by this book and I can't wait for it to come out!

What is YOUR WoW pick?


  1. This book looks AWESOME!! Great choice, the cover makes me want to read it even more!

  2. I'm in LOVE with this cover! In fact, I'm pretty sure I had a dream where it made an appearance last night XD

  3. Hahaha! Never heard of this one! But looks great. My WOW will be up in like 20 minutes. Ne sure to visit! =DDDDDDDDDDDD

    Mystifying Paranormal Reviews

  4. I cant wait for this one! sniff!! Harbinger sounds totally awesome!! great pick =D


    Happy reading!
    Dazzling Reads

  5. I was lucky enough to snag an ARC of this:) Great pick!!!

  6. Nice pick. I haven't seen this around, but it sounds like it would be a good read.

  7. Another one to add to the list!! Here's my WoW!


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