
Sunday, November 27, 2011

In My Mailbox (15)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren.

Despite what I think was a mildly successful first vlog last week, I am resorting to a regular old IMM post this week because I'm feeling a little lazy.  :)


Thank you so much to Kensington Books for sending me my own ARC of Shadow Heir! I had already started reading a borrowed copy when this little package arrived! And an extra book came with Shadow Heir, a paranormal steampunk romance (wonderful little genre I just made up) called The Hunter. Can't wait to read it!

Shadow Heir (Dark Swan #4) by Richelle Mead (My Review)
The Hunter (The Legend Chronicles #1) by Theresa Meyers


This came in the mail this week from another blogger that I swapped ARCs with. I've heard ridiculously good things about this book so I'm going to check it out!

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1) by Michelle Hodkin


I bought this from Barnes and Noble online with a gift card I won on Stacey Jay's blog (love her!!!). I should have just used it in the store...holy crap was this order a pain in the butt! Anywho, I've heard that this is kind of dark for a YA and that appealed to me so I'm giving it a try.

And apparently vampire doggy is hiding her teeth this week...but don't let that fool you...

The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. Nice collection! I have The Space Between on my TBR mountain already. The Hunter sounds interesting. I'll be eager to hear what you think.
    My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  2. the hunter looks great!

    Here's my IMM. stop by?!

  3. Woot! I loved Mara and I hope you will too. It was a twisting emotional roller coaster, that's what it was. Lol! Can't wait to see what you think :)

    My IMM!

  4. Ooh I really want to get the Space Between too soon! Awesome haul!

    Xpresso Reads

  5. Great haul! I really want to read The space Between!Here is my IMM

  6. I've heard wonderful things about The Hunter, will be waiting for you review :) Have a lovely week and enjoy your books!

  7. Mara Dyer is awesome! Hope you like it!! (:

  8. I'm going to have to add this Dark Swan series to my TBR list ;)

  9. I love richelle mead! I've been meaning to read Mara dyet, too. Good book week!

  10. Exciting books in your mailbox this week! I REALLY want to read Mara after everyone is either loving or hating it :) At least it gets a strong reaction!
    Happy reading!

  11. Nice goodies! I have Mara Dyer on my wish list.

  12. Ohh, I just read Shadow Heir...can't wait to see what you think of it!


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