
Sunday, October 30, 2011

In My Mailbox (12)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren.

This is In My Mailbox 
The Halloween edition!


Thanks so much to Jen from YA Romantics and Britta from I Like These Books!!!

 A.K.A.  Fracture

I received these copies for review from Book Divas. I already read Fracture, and I LOVED it! My review won't be up for a little while though since it's a January release. 


A super special thanks this week to Rex Robot Reviews!!! She wins the award for nicest blogger of the month for sure. She kindly sent me this signed ARC of A Beautiful Dark and asked for nothing in return. A great example of why my favorite part of being a blogger is meeting so many other wonderful book lovers!


Also thanks so much to C.J. Duggan for sending me Daughter of Smoke and Bones for R.A.K.! The best part? She sent the UK version (on the left). I actually prefer the US cover (on the right), but I think its so cool to have the UK cover!!! And its a paperback!

Here's the goods:
Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. Oh, so you've finally met Miss. Julia over at Rex Robot Reviews! She is so nice! I can't wait to officially meet her in person at BEA this June! We'll be sharing a room together hopefully.

    Btw, Great books this week! =DDDDD

  2. Awesome IMM! I can't wait to read Fracture. It sounds so good. A Beautiful Dark is a great read! Hope you enjoy all your new books!

    My IMM

  3. Great Mailbox, all those books are great! Awesome haul

  4. Awesome book haul! I still haven't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone but getting closer to it going through my TBR :) Have great week of reading!

  5. Amazing book haul! I really loved Firelight so I hope you enjoy it too! Ashes looks especially awesome :D

    My IMM:

  6. Great haul you got there. I still have Firelight sitting on my TBR (one day I will find the time to read it). =)

    Happy reading.

    Orchid @ The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

  7. I've got the UK Smoke and Bone too, but I'm starting to like the shinyness of it. I hope you enjoy the ones you haven't got to yet, they all look pretty good ;)

  8. Fabulous, fabulous books! Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of my favorite books of the year. I have the ARC with the U.S. cover, but I think I might have to purchase a UK hardback (if they exist) as I really like the simplicity of it.

    A Beautiful Dark was good, and I haven't read Paranormalcy yet, but I've heard great things about the series. (Fracture, too!)

  9. Great list! Happy reading!

    -Marybeth P.

  10. BAHAHA. I love the picture!!!

    Smoke and Bone is a fantastic book! I also got Fracture last week I can't wait to get to it.

    Xpresso Reads

  11. Great IMM :) I really want to read all of those books. :P

  12. Ha!! That's a great pic:D IN the spirit of it all.

    Fracture , I am pretty sure I have that on netgalley, I must check as you have me wanting to read it, sooner than later.


  13. Hello! you got some amazing books this week!! aaah!!! Fracture! looking forward to read your thoughts about it =)
    have a great week! muah! ^.^


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