
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (5) - Third Grave Dead Ahead

Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that shares the upcoming releases we bloggers are on the edge of our seats about!

My pick this week is...

Third Grave Dead Ahead (Charley Davidson, #3)

(Charley Davidson #3)
by Darynda Jones
Release date: February 2, 2012

(Synopsis from Goodreads)

"Death comes to those who wait. And to those who don’t. So either way…" —Charlotte Jean Davidson, Grim Reaper

Charley Davidson—grim reaper extraordinaire, private investigator . . . meh—is practicing her profession under the influence of caffeine, and copious amounts of it, due to an extreme desire to induce insomnia. Every time she closes her eyes, Reyes Farrow, the part-human, part-supermodel son of Satan, is there. Only thing is, he’s a tad peeved. 

But 13 days without a wink is bound to bring out the crazy in a girl. So, when a man hires her to find his wife, Charley accepts the job with one goal in mind: Put the man behind bars, and not the wet kind. She can sense the guilt waft off him and vows to find the woman’s body and prove he’s a murderer.

In the meantime, Reyes is none too happy . . . then Charley is carjacked by a dark-haired rake, who swears the very man Reyes went to prison for killing is not only alive, but close by. And he wants Charley to find him.

While a visit to her old friend Rocket sheds no light on Reyes’s situation, Charley finds out the man’s wife is still alive and time is running out. Finding her before she dies would be a miracle, but she has to try. Together with the help of her fashion-impaired receptionist, Cookie, Charley sets out to bring the bad guys to justice. 

She just hopes Reyes is not one of them. And that she’s not hallucinating from her self-induced bout with insomnia.

Whew! I am on the edge of my seat for this one! I just finished book two in this series and it was WONDERFUL! I love Reyes, I love Charley, I love Cookie, I love Angel, I love Garrett, I love her family.................

You can read my reviews of the other two books in the series here:
First Grave on the Right (book one)
Second Grave on the Left (book two)

AND you can enter to win one of these books HERE!!!

What is YOUR WoW pick?


  1. I wish this book was coming out sooner! I love this series! :-) Did you get to read the short story she did that takes place between books 1 & 2?

  2. I'm very curious about this one ! I have to read the second but just love the first one. The synopsis sounds soo great !

  3. I haven't picked up this series yet, but I've heard really good things about it. It sounds awesome!

  4. I have to read this series! nice choice!

  5. This series sounds awesome I so want to read them! Great choice.

    Please check out my WOW at

  6. Love your pick! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    New follower here! You have a beautiful blog here.

    <3 Jess


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