
Sunday, September 11, 2011

In My Mailbox (5)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren.

New for me this week:


What do you mean, vampire dogs don't wear bandanas? Oh yes they do...

Strange Angels (Strange Angels #1) by Lili St. Crow
Betrayals (Strange Angels #2) by Lili St. Crow
Killbox (Sirantha Jax #4) by Ann Aguirre)
Shadow Kin (The Half-Light City #1) by M.J. Scott
Blood Red Road (Dustlands #1) by Moira Young
Virals (Virals #1) by Kathy Reichs

Borders/Waldenbooks Closing Sale: 

Do you love my fancy photography? Ha!

Ascension (World of Ascention #1) by Caris Roane
Burning Skies (World of Ascention #2) by Caris Roane
The Iron Duke (Iron Seas #1) by Meljean Brook
Visions of Magic (The Awakening #1) by Regan Hastings
Magic in the Shadows (Allie Beckstrom #3) by Devon Monk

From Netgalley:

Every Other Day Nightshade (Poison Diaries #2) Tricks of the Trade (Paranormal Scene Investigations #3) 
Wayfinder (Worldwalker Duology #2) Hellbent (Cheshire Red Reports, #2)

Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Nightshade (Poison Diaries #2) by Maryrose Wood
Tricks of the Trade (Paranormal Scene Investigations #3) by Laura Anne Gilman
Wayfinder (Worldwalker Duology #2) by C.E. Murphy
Hellbent (Cheshire Red Reports #2) by Cherie Priest

Yowza! Okay, I have been on a bit of a book crazy buying/checking out/downloading spree the past few weeks. But I can't help it! Its an addiction. Hi, my name is Goldilox, and I'm addicted to getting books. You know what I mean, right? If there's anyone that understands...its you guys!

I'm super excited about all of these books, but there are some standouts. Killbox is number four in the Sirantha Jax series, and I'm SO excited to get caught up to date with that series very soon! It is a very intense roller coaster ride of a series so I'm gonna wait just a little bit before I keep reading. 

I'm also really excited about The Iron Duke, Shadow Kin, and Every Other Day because I've read GREAT reviews on all three!

I did snag some fun books for giveaways while I was browsing around Waldenbooks (how could I not?) and I can't wait to share those with you guys. Book bloggers/readers are THE BEST!  :)

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?


  1. Awww what a cute puppy!
    I really enjoyed Blood Red Road, it was amazing on Audio(:
    Awesome books this week, enjoy!:D


  2. SoOOo many great books this week!Been wanting to read Blood Red Road, can't wait to see what you this of it.

    Dying to read Every Other day, can't wait till it comes out.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. The October Daye series by Seanan McGuire is's one of my favorite Urban Fantasy, each book gets better and better!

    Btw your blog is so cute, I love the name!!

  3. okay...THAT is a nice! I'm loving Strange Angels & The Iron Duke (have to check those two out for sure)...thanks for stopping by my blog

    Sharonda @ SexxyBlogger

  4. Great IMM! You got many awesome books this week, especially the Strange Angel series :)
    Happy reading!
    Thnx for stopping by my blog^_^

  5. Nice IMM. Love the vampire dog.

  6. Great selection! I liked The Iron Duke, Virals, Strange Angels, and Betrayals. I got Tricks of the Trade from NetGalley too. Love that series! Happy reading!

  7. Wow some awesome books this week!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. LOL, I am loving your bandana wearing vampire dog! I've heard good things about Blood Red Road, so you must let me know how it is! :)

  9. Hi, new follower here!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    You have some great reads this week as well! Strange Angel series is one of my favourites! I hope that you enjoy it!
    Every Other Day is AMAZING!! I hope that you like that also!


  10. Love your dog! Shadow Kin is on my wishlist, can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks for stopping by my IMM today!

  11. Wow, great mailbox! I've only read Blood Red Road, but it was great - hope you enjoy it too! Happy reading!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM :)

  12. I have book one of the Poison Diaries in my mailbox!

    Happy reading!
    My IMM!

  13. I hope to start Blood Red Road and Every Other Day pretty soon, but for now I'll have to content myself with reading reviews. Enjoy your books :)

  14. Hahaha your vampy dog is ADORABLE! Can I have him, please? :) Awesome books! I'm especially excited to read Every Other Day, since I loved Raised By Wolves. Hope you enjoy these!!

    Oh and my cover version of Crave looks odd cause it's a bound manuscript copy :)

  15. Awesome books! I've been meaning to get the Strange Angels series but I keep on putting it off for some reason. >.< Great IMM! Happy Reading

  16. Hello!

    Great IMM! You did get a lot of books... I don't know who's more addicted here! I love Iron Duke... title and cover combination got to me! But all in all, they all look great.

    Enjoy the readings! I look forward to the reviews :)

    Ron @ Stories of my life


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