
Sunday, August 21, 2011

In My Mailbox (2)

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren each Sunday to share the books we bought, checked out, received for review, or won the past week.

New for me this week:

The Better Part of Darkness
by Kelly Gay
(Book Swap)

Inside Out
by Maria V. Snyder
(Book Swap)

Working Stiff
by Rachel Caine
(Book Swap)

Eve (The Eve Trilogy, #1)


The Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay (Book Swap)
Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder (Book Swap)
Working Stiff by Rachel Caine (Book Swap)
Eve by Anna Carey (Netgalley)
Wired by Douglas E. Richard (Won!)

I'm currently reading Working Stiff and will write a review soon! Thank you to Library Thing and Douglas E. Richard for my ebook copy of Wired. Can't wait to read it! What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. Great IMM, hun. I don't know if this is just on my computer, but some of your pics are not linking correctly. I can't see Eve, Wired, or the IMM button.

  2. Hmm, when I posted I could see those pictures but when I refreshed after your comment they aren't showing up now.......darn computers.

  3. I'll look to look at the coding and see what the problem is. Also your WOW featuring Cat and Bones book pic isn't showing up either =(

  4. LOL like after I went to view blog to edit to showed funny. =DDDD

  5. Yeah, I knew what the problem was. I copied the images instead of getting the code and it worked short term but then I guess it doesn't work after a while, lol! I fixed Cat and Bones too...can't have that wonderful cover not showing up! :)

  6. yea. always take the url code link for images. it sucks if they don't show up =DDDD

  7. Oooh I got Working Stiff too! =D And I am excited to read Eve!!

  8. Eve sounds pretty awesome, I have it on my TBR shelf and I can't wait to get around to it. Enjoy your books!

    Stop by my IMM

  9. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your blog name. :)

    I recently read Working Stiff and I'm looking forward to Eve.

    I hope you enjoy them all.


  10. i've been hearing a lot of great stuff by maria v. snyder. great IMM this week! you have lots of fantastic reading ahead of you. enjoy :)

    Stop by our IMM.


  11. Great mailbox! I got Working Stiff last week and can't wait to read it!

  12. Yay for Inside Out! Maria Synder is an amazing writer. And Eve looks fantastic. Happy reading!

  13. Inside Out! Yay! I stiiiill need to get myself a copy of that one I love Snyder's writing style and I'm seeing a lot of people pick up Working Stiff lately, perhaps I should look into it myself :o

    Very cute blog you have here. Thanks for stopping by my blog, new follower now! :D

    Once Upon A Time

  14. Can't wait for your Working Stiff review, morgues have interested me ever since I watched Tru Calling back in '04. Thanks for stopping by earlier :)

  15. Inside out looks really good! I hope you enjoy all you got! Thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  16. Wow! What a fantastic haul! I want to read EVE so bad. Thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  17. Eve looks so good, I can't wait to get my hands on that one.


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