
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Follow Friday (1)

Follow Fridays over at Parajunkee View!

I'm a member...are you? Come say hello and feel free to follow me! :)

Here is this week's question:

Q. How have your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?

When I was in high school I just basically read whatever I had to for English class. I didn't really make time for reading then. Now I am obsessive! There have been times in the middle of a good book where I wish I could call in to work just so I could read a few more chapters!


  1. thank you for stopping by and for following! Followed back :)

  2. Hi Moonlight! Thank you for following! For some weird reason you're showing up in my Followers, but its been buggy the past couple of days.


  3. Thanks for the follow I'm following back:)
    Our answers are very similar.

  4. thanks for stopping by my blog!!!!

    New Follower!!! Happy Friday!!!!

  5. I can totally relate to wanting to stay home and read all day! I wish I could do that...thanks for stopping by! Great answer!

  6. Hi

    Hopping by for the friday hopping madness.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today
    Have a wonderfull weekend.
    New follower.

  7. Hi! I'm hopping through! See my FF over at Fuzzy.Coffee.Books if ya like! *now following!
    Have a great weekend!
    Oh, don't forget to stop by and enter in my giveaway! It ends at midnight tonight!

  8. I was about the same way. Even then I sometimes would just cheat and look up spark notes! lol I read a book about every other day if not more often. Crazy how things change! :]

    Thanks for stopping by my friday memes and following my blog! I'm following your blog now as well! :)

    ♥ Sarah

  9. Hopping through. Like you I read a lot of books for school. I read some fun books but nothing like I do now.
    New follower!
    My Hop

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog-I hate how work interferes with my reading. Alas, it's a necessary evil in order to be able to fuel my reading habit.

  11. Hi! Thanks for stopping by the blog! I am now a follower. There are many times I wish i could do the same and not have to put down the book I am reading...which is always!

    Have a great weekend!


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