
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Netgalley Knockout - July Check In

Netgalley Knockout!
July Check In

If you're unfamiliar with the Netgalley Knockout challenge, please see the initial post HERE!

This is what I've read toward the challenge in the month of July:

Heart of Iron
Bec McMaster

Bound By Night
Larissa Ione

Spartan Frost
Jennifer Estep

3 egalleys

As always, the first month is the hardest for me! I never get as many egalleys read during the first month of this challenge. How did you do?

Link up your end of July check in post by clicking on Add Your Link on the Linky below!

Blogoversary Day 3 - Darynda Jones Interviews Me Plus Giveaway!

Wow - two years! That's pretty crazy! I've met a lot of really wonderful bloggers and readers in the past two years and have learned that I'm not the only crazy person who likes to read about things that go bump in the night...and in your bed! I've also met some really cool authors. Some were new favorites who were so down to Earth and others were such big authors to me that I was left star struck!

To celebrate my second blogoversary I thought I'd switch things up a bit. All this week I will be the one interviewed! 

I've asked some of my favorite authors and bloggers to pick my brain and boy did they come up with some interesting questions! Some went the serious route and threw one big question at me, while others wanted to know a series of things about my reading life. Others still - and you know who you are - took a bit of a less serious route.

Here's the schedule for the week:
Mon. 7/29
Author Jenn Bennett
Giveaway: one book in the Arcadia Bell series

Tues. 7/30
Blogger Jennifer @ The Book Nympho
Giveaway: Midnight Frost by Jennifer Estep

Wed. 7/31
Author Darynda Jones
Giveaway: First Grave on the Right

Thur. 8/1
Blogger Jenese @ Readers Confession
Giveaway: Biting Bad by Chloe Neill

Fri. 8/2
Author Stacey Jay
Giveaway: Ebook copy Of Beast and Beauty

Sat. 8/3
Blogger Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood
Giveaway: Undead and Underwater & Undead and Unsure by Mary Janice Davidson

On to day three! Today, Darynda Jones, author of the paranormal/romance/mystery series Charley Davidson is here to pick my brain a little. Find Darynda's questions and my responses below! 

Alright, Christen, are you ready? 
These are going to be SUPER hard!
Ready. Set. GO!
*You have a great site! How did you decide to start a blog for reviews and did you design the site yourself?*
First of all, thank you for the compliment! I started honing in on the paranormal genre and fell in love. When I joined Goodreads I discovered that there was this huge book blogging community and I starting visiting all these great blogs and making some friends through Goodreads. I just kind of made the decision one day that I wanted a blog for myself - somewhere to share my thoughts on books that would get more views than just Goodreads. Goldilox was a nickname I'd had since elementary school so it seemed like the perfect name and I played around with lots of different names before coming up with Goldilox and the Three Weres. When I did, it was like, DUH! I contacted one of the friends I'd made through Goodreads, Mariya from Mystifying Paranormal Reviews and she literally made a header that was exactly what I had had in my brain! And the blog was born!  
*What do you think it is about paranormal and fantasy that fascinate you so much?*
I started noticing that the books that I gravitated to had some sort of paranormal, science fiction, or fantasy element to them (Harry Potter, The Time Traveler's Wife, etc.) so I started to search out more books like that. I discovered the Twilight series and then the Sookie Stackhouse series and realized that what I loved was a whole genre! I think its that something extra. Its not just a love story.....its a love story where the characters have to overcome bizarre other worldly problems. Its not just a murder mystery.....its a murder where the suspects are crazy paranormal creatures. The paranormal/fantasy element gives a regular story something special and exiting.  
*Do you like adult or young adult speculative fiction best?*
I really love them both equally. After reading the Twilight series I really didn't read any YA for a long time. When I started the blog I didn't even review YA books for like six months! That's so funny now because I'd say I read and review adult and YA 50/50. If I HAD to pick one I'd say adult urban fantasy is my absolute favorite.
*How many books a month do you receive for reviews? And, considering you are a full-time teacher (teachers rock!), how many books a month do you read?*
YES! Teachers DO rock - thank you for noticing that!!! It really depends on the month. Some times of the year are busier for book releases than others. For this July I've received 8 print books for review and 6 ebooks for review. Most are Fall releases. This was a really busy month though. Sometimes I don't receive anything all month and usually when I get a ton for review its more ebooks than print (Netgalley and Edelweiss are like a drug we book bloggers can't quit). Most of those were books I'd requested but some of them were random books I received because the publishers send books similar to books I've reviewed in the past. I often get great books that I'll never get to read because they're in the middle of a series I haven't even started yet and just don't have time to read. Sometimes I get nice surprises in the mail though! I can read anywhere from 1 to 4 books a week, depending on what's going on that week in my real life and how busy I am. Sometimes 1 book takes me an entire week to finish and other times I read an entire book on Saturday, an entire book on Sunday, and two more during the weekdays. Its hard to balance books for review with books in series I just want to read. That's very difficult. I think we all wish we could read more older series but those don't have due dates and review books do.
*What do you think attracts you more - character driven or plot driven stories? Why?*
Oh, this is easy - character driven all the way. I even find in my reviews that I often talk a lot about the characters more than anything else - how well they were developed, their relationships with each other, where I hope their story lines go in future books, etc. I have put down and not finished books that were strictly plot driven before because its just not my cup of tea. For me the characters are everything. 
*What do you do if you really dislike a book but really like the author?*
Ugh.....cry.....weep.....Seriously, that's incredibly difficult. There are a lot of authors I ADORE and some I've even built pseudo-friendships with through Twitter and Facebook or at conventions. Its extremely difficult to read one of those author's latest releases and just totally not vibe with it. It's honestly one of the hardest things as a book blogger - to write a negative review about a book by an author you love. Sometimes its the latest in a series but often its a new or second series by the author that I'm just starting. I try to review it honestly and make sure I'm true to myself when reviewing the book, but do it in a respectful manner. Sometimes the book just has elements that push my buttons and its a personal thing. Sometimes I'm just underwhelmed. I can't just give every book by an author I like 5 stars no matter what, no one would trust my reviews anymore if people started noticing that I did that! I have to find a balance between honesty and politeness. I try to focus on the book and why it didn't work for me, and not focus on the author behind the book. That's really true with any review actually. 
*Where is your favorite place to read?*
I usually read laying on my sofa with my dog sleeping on my head. Or laying in my bed with my dog on my head. Do you see the pattern?
*Do you have a favorite author and/or series?*
I have several - of course!!! Downside Ghosts by Stacia Kane and the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning are my all time favorites. Cat and Bones, Vampire Academy, Aracdia Bell, pretty much everything Jennifer L. Armentrout writes, Shadow Reader, Kate Daniels.....I could go on and on! The Charley Davidson series is also one of my all time favorites - I'm not just sucking up, I swear! Ever since book three I've been obsessed with the series!
*What book/series would you most like to be made into a movie?*
A lot of my favorites are actually being made into movies now, which is really weird and great at the same time. I think the Cat and Bones books would be super fun as a series on a channel like HBO or Showtime. I also think The Infernal Devices should be made into movies since they are making The Mortal Instruments into movies now. I think TID series would be even better than TMI as movies with the love triangle and the setting and all the glorious steampunk-y elements!
*What was the last amazing book you read?*
The most recent 5 star review from me was Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster. I absolutely freaking adore those books (add that to my list of favorite series above!) and can't wait to read the third one, which is actually one of those review books I received this month!
*Whew! You did it. This was super fun!*
I DID do it! Thank you, Darynda, for taking the time to come up with those questions for me! I know you had way too much fun turning the tables on the blogger!

And check out the Charley Davidson series!
First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson, #1) Second Grave on the Left (Charley Davidson, #2) Third Grave Dead Ahead (Charley Davidson #3) 
Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (Charley Davidson, #4)  Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson, #5) 

Enter to win a copy of FIRST GRADE ON THE RIGHT, the first in the Charley Davidson series!
US/CAN only.
First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson, #1)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Early Review: Biting Bad by Chloe Neill

Biting Bad
(Chicagoland Vampires #8)
Chloe Neill
Release: August 6, 2013
Add to Goodreads | Buy at Amazon
Merit has been a vampire for only a short while, but she’s already seen a lifetime’s worth of trouble. She and her Master, centuries-old Ethan Sullivan, have risked their lives time and again to save the city they love. But not all of Chicago is loving them back.

Anti-vampire riots are erupting all over town, striking vampires where it hurts the most. A splinter group armed with Molotov cocktails and deep-seated hate is intent on clearing the fanged from the Windy City come hell or high water.

Merit and her allies rush to figure out who’s behind the attacks, who will be targeted next, and whether there’s any way to stop the wanton destruction. The battle for Chicago is just beginning, and Merit is running out of time.
This review is part of the Biting Bad blog tour!


The gang's all here in this eighth installment in the Chicagoland Vampires series. Everyone plays an important role at some point in this book, including Merit's grandfather, Mallory, and Jeff Christopher. While Merit and Ethan can certainly carry a story all by themselves, its nice when a series has a host of side characters that can shine as well. Biting Bad is another fun book in this series that I can highly recommend.

In this one, McKetrick is back and as obnoxious as ever. Merit and the gang suspect he might be behind a string of anti-vampire crimes, but at the very least he's benefitting from them by building support for his anti-vampire politics. McKetrick is a great 'bad guy', a combination between ex-military badass and tricky politician. I enjoyed the plot of the riots and trying to figure out who was behind them, although it definitely wasn't my favorite plot from this series.

Merit and Ethan are...gasp!...a real couple here. I'm serious people. They don't break up the entire book. It was extremely refreshing to finally get a book without all the back and forth, will they or won't they. We kind of saw this in the previous book, but there was still a lot of secrets and uncertainty in that one. Here, they are a partnership. Darth Sullivan is just as romantic and grandiose as ever and the ways that he makes Merit swoon throughout this one are awesome! I loved seeing them work as a team, even including Merit's Red Guard partner Jonah in several steps in the investigation.

Something notable about this book is the uneven spread of action and excitement, something I've noticed in the last few CLV books. The first third is often a bit slow, with a lot of reminding us who everyone is and what happened in the most recent book. The stage is being set. Then, after that one-third, things really start to pick up and become exciting and fast paced. This is true for Biting Bad as well. But, once things got going they really took off. I especially loved the twist things took toward the end when we learned what was really going on. I hope to see this twist more in future books because I really enjoyed the brief questions it led both Merit and other to ask themselves.

The ending of this book perfectly sets up the next in the series, Wild Things, which releases in February. Its looks like we'll get to see more of the shifters in the next one, which I'm always excited to read about!

Recommended for fans of: vampire urban fantasy, series with great side characters, katanas, swoon worth vampires, and kick ass chicks.

This review is based on a copy of the book provided by the publisher.


Blogoversary Day 2 - The Book Nympho Interviews Me Plus Giveaway!

Wow - two years! That's pretty crazy! I've met a lot of really wonderful bloggers and readers in the past two years and have learned that I'm not the only crazy person who likes to read about things that go bump in the night...and in your bed! I've also met some really cool authors. Some were new favorites who were so down to Earth and others were such big authors to me that I was left star struck!

To celebrate my second blogoversary I thought I'd switch things up a bit. All this week I will be the one interviewed! 

I've asked some of my favorite authors and bloggers to pick my brain and boy did they come up with some interesting questions! Some went the serious route and threw one big question at me, while others wanted to know a series of things about my reading life. Others still - and you know who you are - took a bit of a less serious route.

Here's the schedule for the week:
Mon. 7/29
Author Jenn Bennett
Giveaway: one book in the Arcadia Bell series

Tues. 7/30
Blogger Jennifer @ The Book Nympho
Giveaway: Midnight Frost by Jennifer Estep

Wed. 7/31
Author Darynda Jones
Giveaway: First Grave on the Right

Thur. 8/1
Blogger Jenese @ Readers Confession
Giveaway: Biting Bad by Chloe Neill

Fri. 8/2
Author Stacey Jay
Giveaway: Ebook copy Of Beast and Beauty

Sat. 8/3
Blogger Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood
Giveaway: Undead and Underwater & Undead and Unsure by Mary Janice Davidson

On to day two! Today, Jennifer from The Book Nympho has given me some deep, serious, thought-provoking questions...HAHAHA just kidding!

Here are Jennifer's Interview Questions For Me:

1. Favorite Urban Fantasy series
Tie between the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning and Downside Ghosts by Stacia Kane.

2. Favorite YA series
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead and both of Jennifer Armentrout’s YA series: Lux and Covenant!

3. Do you listen to music while you read?
No! OMG Do people do that? I couldn’t deal with that. I like music or the TV in the background for almost everything I do – EXCEPT reading!

4. You're new to audios. Do you have any fave narrators?
I’m loving Amanda Ronconi. She narrates the Soul Screamers series but she’s most famous for narrating Molly Harper’s book. I’m going to be starting those really soon. I also LOVE how Lauren Fortgang’s voice sounds for the Gin Blanco series.

5. What male character would you like to ride at a gallop until their legs buckled? 
Just one? No way. I’d throw a saddle on Terrible, Bones, Barrons, and Reyes and alternate between the four of them! And I’d have Damaeon Black waiting in the hallway for when those four were exhausted!

6. What book heroine are you most like?
I really related to Justine from the Disillusionist Trilogy because I have anxiety and crazy fears like she did. So, I especially liked watching her get powerful. I’m still waiting for my super power to kick on though…..

7. What was the last book you DNF?
Gameboard of the Gods. So so so sad to DNF a Richelle Mead book. One day I might go back and read a little more of it because I DNF’ed it pretty damn early into it. We’ll see. 

Thank you to Jennifer for interviewing me!
The Book Nympho Designed by Nocturne Romance Reads

Enter to win MIDNIGHT FROST by Jennifer Estep!
US/CAN only.

Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy, #5)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 29, 2013

Read This F@!%ing Book (16)

Welcome to a feature I'm going to post on Mondays called:

Read This F@!%ing Book!

This is a feature for me to push my favorite reads that just aren't getting enough attention! 

I'm also opening it up to anyone who would like to guest post. Do you have a book that you just LURVED but feel like its not getting the play it deserves? Email me to let me know and I'd be THRILLED to have you post about it here! Especially if its something I haven't reviewed yet - that's even better (but not necessary)! If you're interested email me:

This week's post comes from Shelly @ Gizmo's Reviews
Gizmo's Reviews
Read This F@!%ing Book Post 16: The Kitty Katt Series
Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #1) Alien Tango (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #2) Alien in the Family (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #3) Alien Proliferation (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #4)
Alien Diplomacy (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #5) Alien vs. Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #6)  Alien in the House (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #7)

Why I'm Pushing It:

I truly believe that the Katherine "Kitty" Katt series by Gini Koch should be read by more people. First, you have one of the snarkiest, badass, heroine you will find in any genre Second, can I just say very sexy aliens who are drool worthy? If you have any friends who have read this series, might I suggest that you ask them about Kittyism? You have to read the books in order to find out what I'm talking about, but, each book has a series of funny quotations, and sayings that fall right into Kitty's lap. As this series has gone on, Kitty has killed aliens with a pen, with hair spray, and an assortment of other made up weaponry. She's gone from being a marketing manager, to commander in charge of the Air
Division (navy pilots), to the new ambassador for the Alpha Centurions living on Earth and
saving it from alien incursions. I am also pushing this because there are times when Kitty is the only one who understands the severity of the situation and comes up with totally random ideas on how to fight back without getting herself killed in the process. It's a hard life to live once you realize that there are a whole bunch of villains who want you dead and out of the way. Yet, Kitty somehow maintains her sanity, and has some series friends who stand by her side no matter what the situation.

Why I love it:

I love the romance between Kitty and Jeff. It is hot and steamy and not just thrown in for the sake of selling sex to the general masses.
I love the action and adventure and suspense and the fact that Kitty is number one on EVERYONE's hit parade to remove so that they can take over the planet. I love the fact that her best friend Christopher belongs to the CIA ET Division, while her mother is a former mossad operative and her father works for NASA which Kitty never knew until she got in deep with the Alpha Centauri.
I love James Reader, Kitty's best friend in the A-C and a former male model who just happens to be gay. I love the interaction between James & Kitty.


Kitty is charming to a fault. She has the funniest come back lines, and her interaction with the A-C's is really fun to read especially her partner in crime. She wears an Aerosmith T-shirt, sneakers, an I-pod with head banging Rock N Roll. She is like her mother in that she jumps in and takes charge and decides to bring in two A-C women named Claudia and Lorraine, who are scientists, to be a part of her alien ass-kicking team. For the A-C, women are scientists, while the men are the operatives. Since the release of Touched by an Alien, more A-C women have become part of Kitty's extended family and fighting team.

Katherine "Kitty" Katt series reading order:
1. Touched by an Alien
2. Alien Tango
3. Alien in the Family
4. Alien Proliferation
5. Alien Diplomacy
6. Alien vs. Alien
7. Alien in the House

Have you read this book?
Did Shelly persuade you to add it to your TBR mountain?
Let us know in the comments below!

Blogoversary Day 1 - Jenn Bennett Interviews Me Plus Giveaway!

Wow - two years! That's pretty crazy! I've met a lot of really wonderful bloggers and readers in the past two years and have learned that I'm not the only crazy person who likes to read about things that go bump in the night...and in your bed! I've also met some really cool authors. Some were new favorites who were so down to Earth and others were such big authors to me that I was left star struck!

To celebrate my second blogoversary I thought I'd switch things up a bit. All this week I will be the one interviewed! 

I've asked some of my favorite authors and bloggers to pick my brain and boy did they come up with some interesting questions! Some went the serious route and threw one big question at me, while others wanted to know a series of things about my reading life. Others still - and you know who you are - took a bit of a less serious route.

Here's the schedule for the week:
Mon. 7/29
Author Jenn Bennett
Giveaway: one book in the Arcadia Bell series

Tues. 7/30
Blogger Jennifer @ The Book Nympho
Giveaway: Midnight Frost by Jennifer Estep

Wed. 7/31
Author Darynda Jones
Giveaway: First Grave on the Right

Thur. 8/1
Blogger Jenese @ Readers Confession
Giveaway: Biting Bad by Chloe Neill

Fri. 8/2
Author Stacey Jay
Giveaway: Ebook copy Of Beast and Beauty

Sat. 8/3
Blogger Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood
Giveaway: Undead and Underwater & Undead and Unsure by Mary Janice Davidson

On to day one! Today, Jenn Bennett, author of the urban fantasy series Arcadia Bell is here to make me think. She posed one BIG question for me! 

Here it is:

I recently read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and discovered I can't handle books that make me cry for the main characters in every chapter. Now, I love-love-love (and want!) a few weepy moments in a story. But kids with terminal cancer who are in love and both going to die? LET ME OFF THIS EMOTIONAL TRAIN. Don't get me wrong. I 5-star loved it. I'm just emotionally wrecked by it. Granted, as a writer, I'm well aware that I'm fairly sensitive. (Forget Hallmark: I weep during commercials about freakin' allergy medication.) And I'm also guilty of putting my own characters in worrisome emotional situations. (Oops!) But for you, as a blogger and avid reader, what are your emotional boundaries? Are there any books that have made you feel too many overwhelmingFEELS? Books that made you feel TOO angry/scared/sad/grossed out/turned on/anxious/uncomfortable/hopeless? Or do you prefer stories that push you to emotional extremes?

Umm...yikes. Thanks a lot, Jenn. 
I, too, am sensitive to sad things in media. I have been known to tear up at certain commercials. When it comes to books I think it depends on what is causing the emotions as to whether or not I'm okay it. I actually purposely stay away from books like The Fault In Our Stars because I can't read too many of them. I just feel completely exhausted and empty when I'm finished reading. I don't know how anyone can read books like that back to back! I can't recall ever having read anything that pushed the emotional boundary that far for me. I'm not sure if I've just been lucky or if I just do a good job of looking into books before I read them. 

I read a lot of urban fantasy so fighting and violence aren't unusual to me (when reading, at least) and I watch a lot of crime dramas on TV. So, maybe I'm not as sensitive to some of those things as other people might be. But, then something will happen in a story...some little thing...and I'll be an emotional wreck. The dog died. The hero just said something nasty to the heroine. Whatever. Those little minute details are what I often get the most emotional over.

Sometimes its not that a book is really sad or anything, its just the whole tone of the book is intense and emotional and when you reach the end you really feel completely spent! This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers was like that. I stayed up until 4am finishing it and I was so completely invested in Sloane's story that when I read the end and closed the book I didn't know what to do with myself! Rachel Vincent's Prey was like that too. I was so angry with that book. With. A. Book. I cried tears of anger and tears of sadness in that one.

In the area of grossed out, I did actually have a book that I really liked but one scene made me kind of uncomfortable and ultimately, I decided not to continue the series. Jenny Pox by J.L. Bryan is a really unique story that I enjoyed, but I did not enjoy a particular scene where the antagonist - a complete arsehole named Ashleigh -  used her powers of suggestion (I can't remember exactly what her magical ability was, but it was something like that) to make one of her girl friends perform oral sex on her boyfriend against both of their wills. I can't even remember now what the circumstances of this situation were, but the reason I was especially not okay with that was because this was a YA book. This would have been extreme in an adult book, but these kids were in high school. I felt very strange reading
about forced oral sex under the influence of magic between teens. Weird choice, author, weird choice.

Thanks so much to Jenn for the thought provoking question! Nothing like looking back at all the  most emotional and intense books you've read in the past two years!!!

And check out the Arcadia Bell series!
Kindling the Moon (Arcadia Bell, #1) Summoning the Night (Arcadia Bell, #2) Binding the Shadows (Arcadia Bell, #3)

Enter to win any one book in the Arcadia Bell series (pictured above)!
US/CAN only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Soul Screamers Read-A-Long - Before I Wake Discussion

Soul Screamers Series
Hosted by me, Christen @ Goldilox and the Three Weres, and Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood!

Discussion #6

Welcome to the sixth Soul Screamers Read-A-Long discussion!
This month, we are discussing this book:

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers #6)

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)


Leave your comments, questions, praise, fangirling, wails, and moans in the comments below!

This time around, Laura and I decided to interview each other about the book. You can see her answers to my questions HERE!

Here are the questions Laura had for me, along with my answers!

1. Do you feel sorry for Sabine? Why or why not?

I do, actually. Chick can't catch a break! Even though she's not always the best person, she really does love Nash whole heartedly and, even though I originally didn't want them together, I'd like to see Sabine get her man in the end.

2. What do you think are going to be Kaylee's biggest issues being 16 for the rest of her life?

Man, a lot of them that's for sure. She will always have to pretend she's either in high school or college. She won't ever get to be an official grown up. She also won't be able to ever have children since she's technically dead and I'm sure that will be an issue for her the longer she's around.

3. I like that there is a family involved here - how do you think things would be different if Kaylee didn't have the support of her friends and family?

I think, for Kaylee, having her family and friends keeps her good. It would be easy now that she's dead to go bad really fast. Tod even talks about that a little in this book. Thank goodness her dad will live a long time since he's a banshee and most of her friends are supernatural in some way.

4. THE END! How many times did you have to read that before you believed that just happened? How does that get explained to the rest of the world?

I was listening on audio and I really thought something had happened with my Audible app! I closed the app and reopened it twice to replay the ending. None of the other books have ended so suddenly, so that was really shocking! I am REALLY anticipating how that little situation will play out in the final book!!!
Leave your your thoughts and anything else you want to say about Before I Wake in the comments below!
Read-A-Long Schedule:
Join us August 15th for the final discussion!

February 15:
My Soul To Take (#1) and My Soul to Lose (novella # 0.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1) My Soul to Lose (Soul Screamers, #0.5)

March 15:
My Soul to Save (#2)
@ Little Read Riding Hood

My Soul to Save (Soul Screamers, #2)

April 15:
My Soul to Keep (#3) and Reaper (novella #3.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, #3) Reaper (Soul Screamers, #3.5)

May 15:
My Soul to Steal (#4)
@ Little Read Riding Hood

My Soul to Steal (Soul Screamers, #4)

June 15:
If I Die (#5) and Never to Sleep (novella #5.5)
@ Goldilox and the Three Weres

If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5) Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers, #5.5)

July 15:
Before I Wake (#6)
@Little Read Riding Hood

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)

August 15:
With All My Soul (#7)
@Goldilox and the Three Weres
With All My Soul (Soul Screamers, #7)

Your hosts:

 Little Read Riding Hood