
Friday, September 30, 2011

Follow Friday (7)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Here is this week's question:

What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?

Well, if I'm being honest I would say none of them. It scares me when series that I love become movies or TV shows because they might screw it up and not do it right. I was lucky with Twilight because I saw the first Twilight movie before starting to read the series. And True Blood is so far gone from the actual Sookie series that for some reason it doesn't really affect me anymore (okay, sometimes there is fork throwing at my nice TV screen...). And I watch the Vampire Diaries, but never read the books, so no harm there.

However, I have heard that they are making movies of one of my all-time favorite series, the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning, and this does excite me but also scares the pants off me. I can't wait to see everything from a book I love so much come to life, but what if they get it wrong?!?!?! Yikes...the hate mail that studio would receive! And they're working on Vampire Academy? Scary. Better do it justice people. 

Okay, okay, let me actually answer the question. I'd like to see any of my favorites become movies or TV shows really (with reservations, as I've been blabbering about): 

1. The Night Huntress series (Bones better be dead sexy...pun intended)
2. Downside Ghosts series (Chess would have to be just right though...and I don't even know how'd you cast Terrible...)
3. First Grave on the Right (Charley would have to be hilarious without being over the top. And Reyes? Yum is all I have to say)

Okay, there are like 20 more I could name, but I'll leave it at that. Basically, the thought of something I've loved and pictured in my head a certain way becoming something slightly different than how it was written or how I have imagined it is scary! But...okay, go ahead and make the damn movie. 

Happy reading!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (7) - Blood on the Bayou

Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that shares the upcoming releases we bloggers are on the edge of our seats about!

by Stacey Jay
Release date: March 27, 2012

(Synopsis from Goodreads)

The second book in a new urban fantasy series featuring mosquito-sized fairies with poisonous bites that drive humans insane.

It's only been three weeks since Annabelle helped solve the murder of Grace Beauchamp, and in the process, she discovered a secret world of invisible, magic-working people who have decided she might have what it takes to join their ranks.

As best as she can determine, Annabelle’s attack by a group of fairies has infected her with paranormal ability she did not previously possess, including being able to mentally move objects and heal wounds. Her new abilities appear to have few negative side effects, aside from creepy dreams. But would that change if she stopped injecting herself with the mystery drug delivered to her by the even more mysterious Tucker, one of the Invisibles? Leery of trusting criminals with her health, Annabelle wishes she had someone she could talk to about the changes in her life. Enter Hitch, FBI agent and Annabelle’s ex, who’s back in Donaldsonville on an off-the-books investigation. Hitch suspects that there’s a government-funded illegal lab that’s developing a controversial fairy-killing spray that could adversely affect the existence of every living thing in the delta—including humans. And Hitch and Annabelle will have to find a way to work together if they're going to find a way to shut it down.

Okay, that is not really the best synopsis I've ever read, but don't let that deter you from checking out this terrific series by Stacey Jay. I loved the first book, Dead on the Delta! This series is a dark, paranormal, urban fantasy. I love me some screwed up heroines who are flawed but lovable and do what's right even though just waking up every morning is a struggle. Throw in this unique idea of poisonous fairies and a few different possible love interests - all sexy - and I'm hooked!

If you aren't familiar with Stacey Jay's other work, let's me enlighten you:

Dead on the Delta (Annabelle Lee, #1)
 The first in the series I'm referring to above (Annabelle Lee #1). 

Juliet Immortal

You Are So Undead to Me (Megan Berry, #1)

SO, I am SUPER excited to say that Ms. Jay will be "stopping by" very soon for an interview and a giveaway of Dead on the Delta! This news just adds to my excitement and anticipation of Blood on the Bayou! All in all, a good week.

What is YOUR WoW pick?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

In My Mailbox (7)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren.

New for me this week:

I shared this book already, which I won from Cana at Place of Reads, but it arrived in my mailbox (get it?) this week so I wanted to share it again! Can't wait to read it when the little vampire girlie is done with it.


Blood Bound (Unbound #1) by Rachel Vincent
Nightwalker (Dark Days #1) by Jocelynn Drake
Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
Nightshade (Nightshade #1) by Andrea Cremer

Do I even have to say how excited I am for all four of these books? Libraries are awesome. I have been told I MUST read the Nightshade series, and a few of my friends on Goodreads really loved the Dark Days series. I heart all things Rachel Vincent, and Blood Bound has phenomenal reviews, so I'm super excited for that! Juliet Immortal is by Stacey Jay, and I loved her adult book Dead on the Delta!

Library (purchased!):

The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth #1) by Carrie Ryan
Déjà Dead (Temperance Brennan #1) by Kathy Reichs

Woohoo! Gotta love that section at the front of the library where they sell books for super cheap! I'm excited to read both of these!

If you haven't entered my giveaway celebrating 100 followers, enter now! It ends tonight (Sunday):

100 Follower Giveaway (Urban Fantasy and YA choices - 13 and older, ends Sunday night at 11:59!)

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?

The Hour of Dust and Ashes (Charlie Madigan #3) by Kelly Gay

The Hour of Dust and Ashes (Charlie Madigan #3)The Hour of Dust and Ashes by Kelly Gay

Copy provided by Stephanie Deluca of Simon and Schuster

To save her sister, she must stop a silent killer. . . .

Protecting Atlanta from the off-world criminals of Underground is tough enough, but now Detective Charlie Madigan and her siren partner, Hank, learn that the addicts of the offworld drug ash have begun taking their own lives. Ash makes humans the perfect vessels for possession, and something or someone is leading them to their deaths. Charlie is desperate to save her addicted sister, Bryn, from a similar fate. As New Year’s Eve approaches and time runs out, Charlie makes a deadly bargain with an ancient race of beings and embarks on a dangerous journey into hellish Charbydon with Hank and the Revenant Rex to save Bryn and make it back before it’s too late. Only, for one of them, coming home means facing a fate worse than death. . . .

"Bare knuckles and butterflies, that's me."

That's a perfect description of Charlie inThe Hour of Dust and Ashes, as well as pretty much the whole darn series. She is a tough, kick ass chick and if you mess with her family or friends, man are you screwed. But she's also a woman. She feels fear and anxiety, and...butterflies (especially when it comes to a certain siren...).

This one picks up pretty much where The Darkest Edge of Dawn left off. A week has gone by since those events took place and the quest continues for a cure to ash, as well as who is running the show with Gregori Tennin. The story opens with a wonderful scene where we finally get to meet the oracle that was discussed at the very beginning of this series. This leads into some wonderful action where I'm reminded of just why I love Rex so much!

"Come and get it, muthafuckahhhs!!!"

I love how Gay has written Rex and how he grows a little in each book. Despite the obvious issues Charlie and Emma should have with Rex, he has become a part of their family and he is one of my favorite characters.

Speaking of super hot and sexy (nice segway, right?), the tension continues to build (and build and build and build...) between Hank and Charlie in this book. Gay writes the slowly developing romance that I love in urban fantasies. The sexual tension between these two is delicious, and I love how in each book we learn more and more about Hank.

“For the record,” he said, looking up at me with a crooked smile, “this is not how I pictured removing your pants for the first time.”

“That confidant, are we?”

His smiled filled out, deep and brimming with humor. “When something is this inevitable. Yes.”

In this installment, we learn about Hank's life growing up in Elysia and how he came to find himself on Earth. Of course, reading his back story just makes me love him even more. In each book in this series, Hank climbs the ladder to the top of my 'favorite book boyfriends' list. I put him right up there with Bones and Barrons, and that is the highest of honors.

In The Hour of Dust and Ashes, Gay develops the mythology and world building of her series even further when we finally get to see Charbydon. Everything in Gay's world is completely believable, and that is a testament to her excellent writing and her wonderful imagination. It makes me anticipate when we finally get to visit Elysia even more (and it seems as though we may get to do just that in her next book in the series).

So, let's run through this again:

1. A romance that builds slowly and smolders as it grows

2. First class world building that is unique and original

3. Secondary characters that the reader will find lovable and important

4. A heroine that balances kick assery with vulnerability, but never gets whiny or unbelievable

5. A sexy male character who is strong, loyal, and gives it to the heroine straight

Okay, that about sums it up! This series is insanely good and highly recommended! I CANNOT wait to read book four. And here is my favorite quote of this book:

He tossed my wet pants into the pile with the rest of my soiled clothes, then turned back and froze.

"You're wearing SpongeBob underwear."


My gaze flew downward and my mortification was finally complete. "Emma got them for me...for my birthday." What the hell. I might as well get it over with. "Patrick is on my ass."

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (6) - Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Sacrificial Magic

Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that shares the upcoming releases we bloggers are on the edge of our seats about!

I have to cheat a little this week! I was all set with the book I wanted to talk about...and then I got an email from Stacia Kane to anyone in the "Downside Army" with the cover reveal for her next book! SO, I can finally include that in a WOW post!!! So, here are my TWO picks this week:

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
by Laini Taylor
Release date: September 27, 2011

(Synopsis from Goodreads)

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.

In a dark and dusty shop, a devil's supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.

And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.

Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she's prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands"; she speaks many languages--not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she's about to find out.

When one of the strangers--beautiful, haunted Akiva--fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?

Okay, so that's the vaguest synopsis ever...

But, if you have been lurking around the YA blogosphere for a little while you know that this is a very much anticipated book! The reviews I have read of advanced copies have described it as mysterious, beautiful, exotic, creative, romantic, magical, favorite..."In the simplest terms, I would not recommend starting this book until you can read straight through to the end" (All Things Urban Fantasy).

And now, the cover reveal of Stacia Kane's fourth book in the Downside Ghosts series:

by Stacia Kane
Downside Ghosts #4
Release date: March 27, 2012

(Synopsis from Goodreads)

When Chess Putnam is ordered by an infamous crime boss—who also happens to be her drug dealer—to use her powers as a witch to solve a grisly murder involving dark magic, she knows she must rise to the challenge. Adding to the intensity: Terrible, doesn’t trust her, and Lex, the son of a rival crime lord, is trying to reignite the sparks between him and Chess.

Plus there’s the little matter of Chess’s real job as a ghost hunter for the Church of Real Truth, investigating reports of a haunting at a school in the heart of Downside. Someone seems to be taking a crash course in summoning the dead—and if Chess doesn’t watch her back, she may soon be joining their ranks.

As Chess is drawn into a shadowy world of twisted secrets and dark violence, it soon becomes clear that she’s not going to emerge from its depths without making the ultimate sacrifice.

I love this cover! The style is a little bit different than the other three covers, but it keeps the general theme. This series is in my tie for my favorite three series of all time so I'm super excited for this book to come out in March!

What is YOUR WoW pick?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Winner for 18 & Over Giveaway Hop!

And the winner from my stop on the 18 & Over Giveaway Hop is................

Tina from Buried Under Books!!!
(GFC tinaburiedunderbooks)

I have emailed Tina and she has 72 hours to get back to me. Congratulations Tina!

Here's what she won:

Envy (The Fallen Angels, #3)


My Fair Succubi (Succubus Diaries, #3)


Ascension (Dark Breed, #1)

If you didn't win, have no fear! There are two other giveaways going on right now - because I just love you guys so much!

100 Follower Giveaway! (UF and YA book choices) - ends September 25 at 11:59pm

Ruby Red (YA) - ends September 20 at 11:59pm

Thanks so much for making me feel like a successful blogger! It will be time for a 200 follower giveaway before I know it!!!  <3 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Darkest Edge of Dawn (Charlie Madigan #2) by Kelly Gay

The Darkest Edge of Dawn (Charlie Madigan, #2)The Darkest Edge of Dawn by Kelly Gay

(Synopsis from Goodreads)
It takes a strong woman to keep the peace in a city of endless night. . . .

Deep beneath Underground, a cunning bid for power and revenge has begun—one that threatens to make Atlanta the new battleground in the ultimate confrontation between good and evil. The powers of hellish Charbydon have the upper hand after plunging the city into primordial night. And under the cover of darkness, a serial killer targets the most powerful Elysians in the city, the angelic Adonai. For Detective Charlie Madigan and her siren partner Hank, tracking deadly predators is all in a day’s work . . . but this case will test the limits of their strength and friendship as it draws them into a deadly world of power plays, ancient myths, explosive secrets, and a race against time that risks all that Charlie holds dear.

Another great installment in this series! I love Charlie and Hank, as well as the world Kelly Gay has created! Everything in this world of off-worlders and humans is so believable and the plot makes sense.

When The Darkest Edge of Dawn begins, it has been two months since the end of the last book, when the darkness overtook Atlanta. Charlie is continuing to understand the powers she possesses and is working with Aaron to learn to control them and use them when she wants. Charlie and Hank are investigating the mysterious disappearance of several Adonai (Elysian nobles) and their search has led them to an abandoned warehouse where the dead body of a nymph has been discovered. This scene opens the story and unfolds into fantastic action and some serious creepiness! And, of course, it just takes off from there......

"I pulled my weapon. The whisper to tell him to get out of the way was on my tongue, but I dared not. The slightest move or sound could trigger an attack. Hank's thumb flicked the snap to the shoulder strap. I winced. It might as well have been a bomb going off. Shit. The hellhound leapt."

I am loving this series! I especially love how the characters are developing in this one. The one thing I thought was missing from the first book was a little romance...and we get it in this one! The partnership and friendship between Charlie and Hank is developing into something more and the tension between these two is hot hot hot!

"I couldn't look away from him, couldn't move, yet every instinct was telling me to run. The air became charged with a dangerous mix of awareness and potent masculinity. I'd become prey - caught, stunned by the sheer beauty and power of his being."

What I love is that this development is natural and not forced. We all knew we wanted Charlie and Hank to get together in book one, but they apparently didn't realize it. Now, in book two, Charlie is fighting her growing attraction because, well frankly she is dealing with a lot.

Aside from that side story of hotness...the main plot of The Darkest Edge of Dawn is fantastic! Nymphs, dragon shifters, serial killers, Elysians, Charbydons, jinn, etc. There are two wonderfully horrible characters from book one who resurface here as the 'bad guys' and they are certainly the guys you love to hate!

There are also some nice progressions with Charlie's daughter and Rex. I like the way Rex's character is developing and I just love his goofy 'I don't really know what I'm doing'-ness. Charlie's daughter, twelve-year old Emma, has a bit of a side story that I'm sure will continue into the next book. She also forms a serious attachment to the rescued hellhound, Brimstone, and I really like that relationship (but, then again, I love dogs and love when dogs play important parts in books so of course I would love Brim). Brim has an important role several times in this book and he just might be one of my favorite characters!!!

I love this series and highly recommend it to everyone who loves urban fantasy. This really is some of the finest UF I've ever read! Now, off to read book three...

In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme to share what we bought, checked out, swapped, or won. IMM is hosted by The Story Siren.

This was a slow week for me...but that's a good thing! If you've seen my IMM posts recently you know that I was on a bit of a book buying/downloading spree for a few weeks in a row. This week I came across a YA book I've been wanting to reading for an awesome price on Kindle.

New for me this week:

The Demon Trapper's Daughter (The Demon Trappers #1) The Demon Trapper's Daughter (The Demon Trappers #1) by Jana Oliver

This is on sale for $2.99 for Kindle, so if you're interested in this series now is the time to check it out! I have heard that this YA series is kind of dark and gritty compared to some other YA series, and that makes me very happy!

So, just one book this week! However, if you're here you should definitely check out the giveaways I have going on right now! I have three giveaways currently - something for everyone!

18 & Over Giveaway Hop (Paranormal Romance) (this one ends tonight at midnight! - 18 and older)
100 Follower Giveaway (Urban Fantasy and YA choices - 13 and older)
YA Giveaway - Ruby Red (YA - 13 and older)

Okay, I showed you mine. Now show me yours! What did you get this week?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Follow Friday (6)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

Here is this week's question:

It's that pesky magic book fairy again! She has another wish: 
What imaginary book world would you like to make a reality?

Hmmmmm...what a tricky question! Which book world would I be willing to live in, with both the positives and the negatives?

Well, I like the way the vampires live in the Chicagoland Vampires series. They're grouped into houses like fraternities and most of them choose to become a vampire like one might choose to get a haircut. It definitely is one of the more unique vampire worlds! 

Speaking of vampires...I wouldn't mind living in the Night Huntress world because then I would steal Bones away from Cat and "shag him silly"...  :)

Alrighty, that's it! Thank you for visiting and don't forget to enter my current giveaways - I have three giveaways going on right now! 

Happy reading!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

18 & Over Book Blogger Giveaway Hop!

18 & Over Book Blogger 
Giveaway Hop

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Giveaway Hop is hosted by Bitten by Paranormal Romance. There are over 50 book bloggers participating in this hop and each blog is giving away something romancey so check them all out (the linky is below)!

Here is my offering:

Envy (The Fallen Angels, #3) Envy (Fallen Angels #3) by J.R. Ward (Just released on September 6th!)

Is there anything I really need to say about this book? Its J.R. Ward. Its the Fallen Angels series. The end. 


My Fair Succubi (Succubus Diaries, #3) My Fair Succubi (Succubus Diaries #3) by Jill Myles

This is a yummy series about a succubus named Jackie Brighton and her men, vampire Zane (for the nighttime) and fallen angel Noah (for the daytime). Of course, there is a plot in there somewhere about her friend's inner demon trying to get out and having to escape from the Serim Council, but really, its all about the men......


Ascension (Dark Breed, #1) Ascension (Dark Breed #1) by Sable Grace

This is a new paranormal romance series by Sable Grace about vampyre, demons, shapeshifters, and Greek mythology (of course, what else?). The heroine is a half-vampyre, half-lycen who is the last of her kind. She is paired with Ryker for an assignment, and she is none too pleased. He is someone from her past and they definitely have a shaky relationship (and some serious sexual tension). This one is more of a PNR with UF elements. 

So, here's the deal. ONE winner will be chosen to receive this collection of Paranormal Fantasy books.

To enter to win all you need to do is become a follower (or already be a follower) and then leave a comment on this post with:

1. your first name and your GFC follower name
2. the email you would want to be contacted through if you win

You must be 18 or older to enter the giveaway
(eh hm, check the name of the blog hop...)

This giveaway is open to US residents only!

This giveaway will end at 11:59 on September 18th so enter soon!
Winners will be chosen via 

Please read my giveaway policy:
Since this blog reviews many books meant for adults, you must be 18 or older to enter any giveaways offered, unless otherwise specified in the giveaway rules for a specific contest. Most giveaways are open to followers only. If you enter a contest that is for followers only, and you are not a current follower at the time of entry and when the winner is chosen, you will be automatically disqualified. Any participant who does not follow the rules for a given contest will be automatically disqualified as well. Only one entry per follower please. 

Questions about giveaways can be sent to:

After you enter, check out the other blogs and their giveaways:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (5) - Third Grave Dead Ahead

Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that shares the upcoming releases we bloggers are on the edge of our seats about!

My pick this week is...

Third Grave Dead Ahead (Charley Davidson, #3)

(Charley Davidson #3)
by Darynda Jones
Release date: February 2, 2012

(Synopsis from Goodreads)

"Death comes to those who wait. And to those who don’t. So either way…" —Charlotte Jean Davidson, Grim Reaper

Charley Davidson—grim reaper extraordinaire, private investigator . . . meh—is practicing her profession under the influence of caffeine, and copious amounts of it, due to an extreme desire to induce insomnia. Every time she closes her eyes, Reyes Farrow, the part-human, part-supermodel son of Satan, is there. Only thing is, he’s a tad peeved. 

But 13 days without a wink is bound to bring out the crazy in a girl. So, when a man hires her to find his wife, Charley accepts the job with one goal in mind: Put the man behind bars, and not the wet kind. She can sense the guilt waft off him and vows to find the woman’s body and prove he’s a murderer.

In the meantime, Reyes is none too happy . . . then Charley is carjacked by a dark-haired rake, who swears the very man Reyes went to prison for killing is not only alive, but close by. And he wants Charley to find him.

While a visit to her old friend Rocket sheds no light on Reyes’s situation, Charley finds out the man’s wife is still alive and time is running out. Finding her before she dies would be a miracle, but she has to try. Together with the help of her fashion-impaired receptionist, Cookie, Charley sets out to bring the bad guys to justice. 

She just hopes Reyes is not one of them. And that she’s not hallucinating from her self-induced bout with insomnia.

Whew! I am on the edge of my seat for this one! I just finished book two in this series and it was WONDERFUL! I love Reyes, I love Charley, I love Cookie, I love Angel, I love Garrett, I love her family.................

You can read my reviews of the other two books in the series here:
First Grave on the Right (book one)
Second Grave on the Left (book two)

AND you can enter to win one of these books HERE!!!

What is YOUR WoW pick?